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Join us for a trick or treat party with the right adaptation for your child to have a memorable. Atmore therapy service. Sensory innovations. PRizes, face painting, games, treats, costumes welcome, and tricks. Monday, Oct 28, 2019- 3-5 Atmore community hospital outpatient therapy clinic located in the back of the hospital.

ATMORE, AL - Atmore Community Hospital Therapy Services has announced a special needs Halloween event designed specifically for children with special needs and their families. The event, called "Sensory Innovations" designed and coordinated by the Therapy Services Clinic will be held Monday, October 28 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

"Sometimes children with special needs are unable to participate in the "traditional" Trick-or-Treat experience due to the unpredictability of Halloween," said April Johnson, Speech Language Pathologist - Atmore Therapy Services. "The sights, sounds, and smells that accompany trick-or-treating can make Halloween 100 times scarier to a child with special needs."

The Atmore Therapy Services team is holding this event for special needs families so that their child can enjoy collecting candy without becoming too overwhelmed. The team stated that the Sensory Innovations party will offer food, candy, reduced noise levels, and fun sensory games, activities, & crafts for you and your child to enjoy.

"Our team wanted to create an event specific for these families, where the child can be free and feel normal, rather than withdrawn and ostracized, while simultaneously overcoming their fears and limitations. We wanted each child to be free and be themselves, and each parent to enjoy seeing them be able to do so. Every child deserves a chance, and we hope that this is the start of a brighter future for every family that attends, stated Bridget Barnes, Occupational Therapist - Atmore Therapy Services. "

The team wanted to stress that children with developmental disorders and disabilities are faced with many challenges. Of these challenges, sensory issues usually supersede them all. As a result, they have difficulty calming and organizing, and are often misunderstood. This makes it difficult for the child at home, school and public environments, and the family suffers tremendously! The Atmore Therapy Services team works every day to make a difference in every child's life, and assist in maximizing their potential/abilities while they attempt to communicate with the rest of the world in their own special way.